
دومین سمپوزیوم بین‌المللی مدیریت ساخت (ICMS)

موضوعات سخنرانان

This presentation targets construction professionals and tackles the hidden enemy of inefficiency: process waste.
It equips them to recognize and eliminate eight types of waste that plague construction projects.

- Understanding Lean Waste: The presentation starts with an overview of "lean waste" commonly found in construction.
- Eight Culprits: It delves into eight specific types of process waste, including overproduction, waiting times, transportation inefficiencies, and defects.
- Real-World Impact: Each waste type is explained with real-life examples and case studies showcasing how they manifest in construction projects. The presentation further explores how this waste negatively impacts project timelines, budgets, and overall quality.
- Identifying the Root Cause: It sheds light on methods for identifying the root causes of waste generation.
- Lean Solutions: The presentation champions "Lean principles" as a methodology for minimizing waste. It demonstrates how adopting Lean thinking empowers construction teams to identify, analyze, and eliminate waste, ultimately boosting project efficiency.
- Building Success with Lean: By implementing Lean principles, construction professionals gain the tools to achieve more successful project outcomes.

در بزرگترین و تخصصی‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ترین رویداد مدیریت ساخت کشور
منتظر دیدار شما هستیم!

در دومین سمپوزیوم بین‌المللی مدیریت ساخت (ICMS)، که حدود 1000 شرکت‌کننده از مهندسان، پیمانکاران، کارفرمایان، مشاوران، کارشناسان، مدیران، اساتید، مدرسان و مدیران عامل صنعت ساخت با هدف ایجاد بزرگ‌ترین اکوسیستم تخصصی در صنعت ساخت گرد هم می‌آیند، منتظر دیدار شما هستیم.